An Economy for Everyday Plutocrats

September 1, 2024: Is Trump Better than Harris on the Economy?

Kamala Harris is surging in the polls. But these same polls show that Donald Trump is more trusted to handle the economy. Trump leads Harris on the economy. Who do you trust better to handle the economy? Donald Trump! We Republicans have a reputation for managing the economy well. What is our secret? We have a time-proven formula: Cut taxes for business, reduce regulations on business, and that creates more corporate profits, I mean, uh, that creates more jobs.

The wealth of the top 1% grows from 1979 to 1989
You can see above1 how, in the 1980’s, by using tax cuts, Ronald Regan stimulated the economy in the United States.

The wealth of the top 1% grows from 1989 to 2019
Above1 we see how the tax cuts of the George W. Bush and Donald Trump administrations have helped the American economy.

By 2023 the top 10% own 69% of our nation's assets
And as the above bar chart2 shows, Donald Trump will continue to help our citizens by managing the United States economy well with wise and conservative fiscal policies.